Monday, November 19, 2007

Pitching to Bloggers

Pitching to Bloggers

Blogging allows everybody to have a voice and an opinion. No longer must PR people rely solely on professional journalists to get their story covered. Blogging has allowed people with no experience in professional journalism to create extensive networks with large followings. The “average Joes” who are lucky enough to have created one of these popular blog sites become instantly famous. Their followers check the blog daily and become actively engaged in whatever the blogger is writing about that day. The site creator has complete control over the dialogue and discourse of the site.
Because the blogger controls the discourse, pitching ideas or stories to them can be an invaluable way of dispersing information. Although there is etiquette involved* anyone can pitch to a blogger and anyone can be a blogger. The rigid lines of communication from journalist to PR professional are no more.
Blogging has allowed the social discourse to expand and has created a vehicle for everyone to become involved in the discourse.
Pitching your story to a blogger is an effective method for spreading your message because it’s free, the audience is already established, the audience is loyal to that blogger and the Internet potentially allows for millions of people to view the site.

*Hat tip to Paul Stamatiou “How to Pitch Bloggers”

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